Discrimination Conversation Questions
Warm-up Question:
Discrimination can mean treating someone unfairly. Racial discrimination is a well-known form of discrimination. What other kinds of discrimination are there?
Discussion Questions:
- Are the differences between people a reason to celebrate or a source of problems?
- Have you been the victim of discrimination? What made you feel this way?
- Is racism common in your community? What forms of racist behavior have you noticed?

- Do you have many friends of a different race? If not, why not?
- What stereotypes about people from different countries are you aware of?
- 'Black Lives Matter' is a slogan and movement that started in the United States. What is it about?
- Do certain racial groups have particular strengths or abilities? Is it wrong to point out these differences if they are basically positive qualities?
- Do people you know use racial slurs to refer to different groups of people? Or do they use more politically correct language?
- Do you trust men or women more in any particular profession? How do you feel about male nurses? How about a female president?
- Women are on average paid less than men for doing the same job. Why is this?
- When you are with your friends of the same gender, do you complain about the opposite gender? What kind of complaints do your friends have?
- If someone tells a racist or sexist joke, how do you react? If you laugh, does that mean you are racist or sexist?
- Do you know any gay people? What kind of discrimination do they face?
- Who suffers more discrimination on the basis of age? Old people or young people?
- Are you a member of a religion? How does your religion treat members of other religions?
- Which types of people suffer the least discrimination? Are you one of them? If not, do you envy those people?
- Is the level of discrimination in the world rising or falling? What makes you think so?