Should Conversation Questions
Respond to the following prompts using should and ought to (advice).
Continue each conversation naturally if you can.
Advice Prompts:
- I want to learn to drive, but my father makes me feel nervous when he tries to teach me. Please give me some advice.
- I have a part-time job which pays me good money. However, I’m too tired to study and my grades are getting worse. What should I do?
- I think the girl I’m dating is going to break up with me. I like her, but she doesn’t seem to like me. Do you have any advice?
- I want to be healthy, but healthy food seems expensive. What advice can you give me?
- When I try to study, I can’t concentrate because the other people in my house are so noisy.
- I’m afraid I might have bad breath. What should I do?
- When I try to tell stories, people lose interest. I want to get better at telling stories.
- Sometimes my skin is really itchy. I think I’m allergic to something, but I don’t know what it is. What should I do?

- I want to travel overseas, but I’m afraid it might be dangerous to travel alone. What should I do?
- I’m able to save some money each month. Where should I invest it?
- My husband and I can’t agree on a color scheme for the interior of our house. I hate the colors he likes! What should we do?
- I have a date this weekend. I want it to go well. Please give me some advice.
- I’m a smoker, but I don’t want to be. How can I quit?
- My friend’s girlfriend is not very nice, but he seems blind to her personality. Should I avoid them? I don’t want to lose my friend. Please give me some advice.
- I’m in my late 30s. I’d like to change my career, but I’m scared it’s too late. What should I do?
- My partner is not a good cook. I don’t want to hurt their feelings, but I’m tired of eating weird food experiments. Please give me some advice.
- I love all animals, but I think I can only afford to get one pet. What kind of pet should I get?
- I’m going to the United States on holiday. Where should I go? What should I do?