Tag Question Practice
Answer the tag questions. Follow your answer with at least one sentence of further explanation. Continue your conversation if possible.
Discussion Questions:
- You have a pet, don’t you?
- You don’t have a sandwich in your bag, do you?
- Kenya is in Africa, isn’t it?
- You don’t like doing homework, do you?
- You hate liars, don’t you?
- You love speaking English, don’t you?
- It’s warm today, isn’t it?
- We’re doing this well, aren’t we?
- I should study harder, shouldn’t I?
- It’s not your birthday today, is it?

- You brushed your teeth this morning, didn’t you?
- I look nice, don’t I?
- We should take a break soon, shouldn’t we?
- You can swim, can’t you?
- Someone in your family can speak French, can’t they?
- The Government is doing a great job, isn’t it?
- You haven’t seen a movie lately, have you?
- You would like a drink, wouldn’t you?
- You aren’t a fan of Manchester United, are you?
- You were busy last night, weren’t you?
- You weren’t visited by a ghost, were you?
- You have to go home early today, don’t you?
- You are a professional soccer player, aren’t you?
- Girls grow faster than boys, don’t they?
- It will be cold tonight, won’t it?
- You’re going to have fun this weekend, aren’t you?
- You won’t forget me, will you?