Video Games Conversation Questions
Warm-up Task:
What popular and classic video games do you know? Make a list.
Discussion Questions:
- Do you like video games? Why or why not?
- Do you play video games these days? How much time per week do you spend playing them?
- Some people say that video games are a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree?
- What was the first game you ever played? Where and when did you play it?
- What is your favorite all-time game? Why was it great?
- What type of games are good for playing alone? Which are good for playing with other people?
- How much money do you spend on video games? Is it more or less than you spend on other forms of entertainment?

- People play games on computers, phones, consoles and in arcades. On what kind of machine or device do you prefer to play a game?
- Have you ever played a video game in an arcade? Are arcades popular in your country?
- Do video games help develop skills? What mental or physical skills do they help players to develop?
- Children enjoy video games. How old should a child be before he or she is allowed to play video games?
- It seems that most video game players are male. Why do boys like video games more than girls do?
- Have you ever played a game that requires physical movement, like with the Nintendo Wii? What are the benefits of this kind of game?
- Virtual reality systems are gaining popularity these days. Are you excited about the potential of virtual reality? Or are you worried? Why?
- Some video games are very violent. Do you think they influence their players to be violent in real life? If so, what should we do about it?
- Are video games addictive? Why can't some people stop playing?
- These days, some gamers make a living from playing video games. Do you think professional gamers are similar to the athletes in other sports? Why or why not?
- Is there an upcoming game you are looking forward to playing? What is it? What do you expect from it?