Bucket List Conversation Questions
Warm-up Question:
How long would you like to live? Explain why you chose that age.
Discussion Questions:
- Have you had a lot of experiences in your life? Or do you feel like there are many more things that you want and need to do before you die?
- A bucket list is a list of experiences a person would like to have before they die. Have you ever thought about this topic? Have you made a list on paper or in your mind?
- Which country, city, or town have you always wanted to travel to? Why do you want to visit that place?
- Are there any iconic locations, such as the Taj Mahal or the Statue of Liberty, that you would love to see before you die?

- Is there a food that you have always wanted to try? What is it? Will you get the chance to eat it?
- A bucket list item for some people is to have a great romance. Have you had enough romance in your life?
- Is there a fear that you want to overcome before you die? What would you like to do that usually you are too afraid to do?
- We see a lot of the world in movies and on television. Is there something that you would like to see with your own eyes?
- Some people dream of flying a plane or playing a musical instrument. Is there something that you would like to learn to do before you die? What is it?
- Is there something that you would like to say to someone before you die? To whom? And what would you say?
- Can we ever have enough fun? Is there something fun that you haven’t been able to do yet?
- What do you hope to achieve in business or in your work? Are your goals realistic?
- Is there anything related to sports on your bucket list? Would you like to run a marathon? Slam dunk a basketball?
- Do you have any goals that are related to health or diet? Are you working towards those goals now?
- Is there a person that you would like to reconnect with from your past? Who is that person, and why are they meaningful to you?
- Is there something that you would like to do for other people before your time is up? How would you serve others?
- Is there a book, movie, or artwork that you have always wanted to read or see?
- If you could know the exact cause and time of your death, would you want to know?
- Have you seen the film, The Bucket List (2007)? If so, how was it? Would you recommend watching it?
- Apart from what you have already talked about today, what’s one experience or accomplishment that is on your bucket list?