Christmas Conversation Questions
Warm-up Question:
What are the most important days of the year in your culture? Why are they important? What happens on those days?
Discussion Questions:
- What do people usually do on Christmas day in your country? Who do they spend the day with?
- Have you been bad or good this year? Do you deserve Christmas presents?
- Will Santa bring you a Christmas present? What would you like him to bring you?
- Is Christmas a religious day for you? If so, what kind of religious activity do you take part in? If not, what does Christmas mean to you?
- Besides Christmas, there are other special days around the end of the year, especially for different religions. Can you think of some?
- Do you usually give Christmas presents? Who do you give them to?
- How important was Christmas to you when you were a child? What were your Christmas mornings like? Did Santa Claus leave presents for you?
- What kind of meal does your family eat at Christmas time?
- Has Christmas become too commercialized?
- Do you like Christmas decorations? How do you feel about the Christmas color combination of red and green?
- How early is too early to put Christmas decorations up? When should decorations be taken down?

- Do you put up a Christmas tree at your house? Is it real or fake? Which is better?
- Do you enjoy Christmas songs? Which is your favorite?
- Are there any special foods or drinks you enjoy at Christmas time that are unique to the Christmas period?
- Do you enjoy Christmas movies? What's your favorite Christmas-themed movie?
- Which do you enjoy more, giving or receiving gifts?
- What kind of weather do you prefer to have at Christmas time? Is a white Christmas typical for you?
- What is the Spirit of Christmas?