Halloween Conversation Questions
Warm-up Task:
Brainstorm a list of different types of monsters and scary creatures.
Discussion Questions:
- Is Halloween an important day in your country? What does it mean to you?
- How would you like to celebrate Halloween this year?
- Did you go trick or treating as a child? Can you remember what you dressed up as?
- Would you let your children go trick or treating without adult supervision? Why or why not?
- What is your favorite kind of candy or treat? What kind of treat would you be disappointed to receive?
- If some kids come to your house on Halloween, and you don't give them any candy, what might they do to you or your house?
- Have you ever been to a Halloween party or some other kind of costume party? What did you dress as? What happened at the party?
- These days, people don't just wear scary costumes. They wear costumes based on many things including popular news stories and politicians. Is this against the original scary spirit of Halloween?
- Many Halloween costumes for adults seem sexy or overly revealing. Why are these kinds of costumes popular?
- What is your all-time favorite scary monster or creature of the night?
- Do you like horror movies? Why or why not? If so, what's your favorite scary movie?

- Have you ever carved a jack-o-lantern? How difficult or easy was it to carve?
- Some people decorate their house to celebrate Halloween. Do you decorate your home to celebrate any special days?
- Are you scared of the dark? If not, what advice can you give to people who feel scared when the lights are out?
- Celebrating Halloween has origins in remembering the dead and confronting the concept of death with humor. How do you feel about death?
- One tradition on Halloween is the telling of scary stories. Do you know any scary stories?