Crime Conversation Questions
Warm-up Task:
Brainstorm a list of different crimes.
Discussion Questions:
- Is crime a serious problem where you live? What kinds of crimes happen often?
- Do the police do a good job in your country?
- How do you feel when you see a police officer?
- Are some people naturally bad or does their upbringing and environment lead them to commit crimes? How much should we blame society and how much should we blame the person?
- Shoplifting is when people take things from a store without paying. How can stores stop shoplifters?
- At what age are we fully responsible for our actions? What is the youngest age that a criminal should be punished as an adult?
- How do you feel about drunk driving? What is the proper punishment for someone who drinks alcohol and drives?
- Have you ever seen a crime being committed? What did you see?
- If a person acts in self-defense and accidentally hurts someone, should they be punished?
- Is carrying a gun a good way to stay safe? Why or why not?
- Does your country have the death penalty? What do you think about this kind of punishment?
- Have you ever been robbed? What did they take? How did you feel?

- How can we reduce crime? With harsher punishments or better education?
- Is the goal of prison to punish or to rehabilitate? Can people change?
- Is there any illegal behavior in your country that you think should be legal?
- Is there legal behavior in your country that you think should be made illegal?
- Do rich people get away with crimes? Is the system unfair?
- Do you enjoy television shows about crime and the police? Which ones are good?
- Does what we see on television and in movies influence people to do crime? If so, what can we do about it?
- Is the overall crime rate increasing or decreasing where you live? Do you think the world will be safer or more dangerous in the future?