Work Conversation Questions

Warm-up Task:

What was the first job you had? How old were you? What did you have to do?

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you a hard worker? What motivates you to work?
  2. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  3. If you could do a job for one day to learn what it is like, what would you do?
  4. Where is the best place to look for work these days?
  5. What qualities should a good boss have?
  6. How many vacation days do workers in your country usually get per year? Is it enough?
  7. How important is it to get along with co-workers? Is it a good idea to socialize with them outside work?
  8. What do you think about office romances? Is it unwise to get romantically involved with a coworker? Why?
  9. Are you an ambitious person? What career goals do you have?
  10. What is the usual retirement age in your country? Should it be changed?
  11. Which professions are very well-paid these days? Why are those workers highly valued?
  12. Are there any jobs you think are not paid enough? Why are those workers undervalued?
  13. Do you know anyone that was fired from a job? What were the circumstances?
  14. Do you know any workaholics? What makes them work so much?
  15. Some companies use a flexible time system and employees can work hours that suit their lifestyles. What do you think about this?
  16. Are there jobs that men do better than women do? How about vice versa?
surgeons and nurses around an operating table
  1. Some jobs, like president of a country, are powerful, but come with a lot of responsibility. How do you handle responsibility? Do you want more?
  2. If every job paid the same amount of money, which job would you prefer to do?
  3. What is the job market like at the moment? How high is unemployment in your country?

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