Food Conversation Questions
Warm-up Task:
In turn, name different foods until one person cannot name a food within three seconds or repeats an already named food.
Discussion Questions:
- What is your favorite food? How often do you eat it?
- Which foods taste bad to you?
- Is your country famous for any foods? What are they?
- Who usually does the food shopping in your household? Where do they prefer to shop?

- Have you tried growing your own food? How did it go?
- If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
- Do you know any vegetarians? If so, what foods do they not eat?
- What food can you prepare? Are you a good cook?
- Who is the best cook in your family? What foods do they prepare well?
- Which culture's food, apart from your own, do you really like?
- Which foods are unhealthy? What is unhealthy about them?
- It is the 21st century. Why are people in some places still hungry?
- How do you judge food? By taste, appearance, smell, or feel? Can food be delicious if it looks terrible?
- Pick one food to represent you. Why did you choose it?
- Has food ever made you sick? What happened?
- Have you eaten any strange foods? Explain.
- Are you or anyone you know allergic to any food? What happens if they eat that food accidentally?
- What do you think about genetically modified food? Do you try to eat organic food?