Helping Conversation Questions
Warm-up Questions:
Is it important to help other people? Why or why not?
Discussion Questions:
- How much of what you do is for yourself? How much is it for other people?
- If you have something that you do not need or want anymore, do you consider giving it away? If so, what things have you given away?
- If you see a person that looks lost on the street, do you try to help them? Why or why not?
- Would you interfere if you saw a fight in public? What if one person was being seriously hurt?
- Have you ever hitchhiked? Have you ever picked up a hitchhiker? Why or why not?
- Do you give blood regularly? Why or why not?
- Would you consider donating an organ while you are alive, like a kidney or a lung?
- Have you ever done volunteer work? If so, describe the work you did.
- What do you think about giving money to charity?
- Do you trust charitable organizations? Which organizations are most trustworthy?
- How often do you pass homeless people who are asking for money on the street? How do you feel in that situation? What do you do?
- Some people say that street beggars choose not to work and do not deserve help. What do you think about that idea?

- Can you imagine living on the streets? What would be most uncomfortable about that situation? How would you survive?
- What is more responsible for the rise in the number of homeless people? Government policies? Economic conditions? Poor mental healthcare? Individual failures?
- Has your family helped you in your life? In what ways?
- Among people who you are not related to, who has helped you most in your life?
- Do people help each other because it makes them feel good? If so, is helping others essentially a selfish act?
- When people are wealthy or successful, do they have a special responsibility to 'give back' and help others?