Investing Conversation Questions
Warm-up Question:
List some types of investments. Which kinds are most popular?
Discussion Questions:
- What is the difference between a good investment and a bad investment?
- For many people, their biggest investment is their house or apartment. Why do people put so much money into this investment?
- In some places, homes and apartments are very expensive, and the prices keep going up. Do you think housing prices will always go up?
- When you keep money in the bank and receive interest payments, is this an investment? Why or why not?
- If a person has money they don’t need, what should they do with it?
- Do you have shares in any companies? Which companies have you invested in?
- Are there any companies you would like to invest in? Why are those companies attractive?

- Which industries seem like good areas to invest in these days? Which industries have a bright future?
- Some companies have well-known leaders like Elon Musk or Steve Jobs. Would you be more or less likely to invest in this kind of company?
- Some people invest in art works. What are the benefits of this kind of investment?
- Collectible items, like comic books, baseball cards, or things that were owned by someone famous can gain value over time. Which type of collectible would you like to have?
- Wealthy people have more opportunities as well as more money to invest than other people. Is investing a way that the rich just keep getting richer?
- People sometimes describe education as an investment in oneself. Do you see it this way?
- Cryptocurrency has been a popular investing topic over the last few years. Have you considered buying a cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin?
- Is stock market investing a kind of gambling? Is it a game?
- Big stock market crashes can bring economic hardship for everyone, not just investors. Do you worry that a big crash could change our lives?
- How can you know when to sell a stock? Is it better to sell too early than too late?
- Warren Buffet, the famous investor, has talked about being scared when other people are greedy and being greedy when other people are scared. What is he talking about?
- Should we try to be socially responsible when choosing investments? Should we consider the ethics of an investment or just focus on the bottom line (money).