Marriage Conversation Questions
Warm-up Task:
Which qualities are important in a good husband or
wife? Choose three and explain why: kindness, honesty, loyalty, good looks, health,
ambition, a sense of humor, something else?
Discussion Questions:
- Do you know many happily married couples? How do they stay happy?
- How important is marriage in your culture? Can people easily choose not to marry? Where does social pressure to marry come from?
- At what age do people usually get married in your country? What do you think is a good age to marry?
- Is it a good idea to date a few different people before getting married? How important is it to gain experience?
- What's the best way to find a potential wife or husband?
- Do you believe in soul mates? Are you looking for the one?
- What are the pros and cons of international marriage? Would you marry someone from another country?
- How long should a couple know each other before getting married? How soon is too soon?
- What do you think about living together before marriage? Does it happen in your culture?

- In your country, are weddings fun events? What do people usually do at weddings?
- What kinds of wedding gifts do people give in your culture?
- Is it important to get along with your in-laws? Why or why not?
- Is divorce common in your country? How do people think about divorce?
- In many countries, the divorce rate has increased over the past few decades. Why do you think this is?
- Is it normal or healthy for married couples to argue? How much fighting is too much?
- How do you feel about arranged marriages? Could you let your parents pick your partner?
- Same-sex marriage has become possible in some countries. How do you feel about this issue?
- There is an expression in English: "behind every great man, there's a great woman". What does this mean to you? Do you agree?