Television and Video Conversation Questions
Warm-up Question:
How many screens are near you now? Count the televisions, monitors, tablets, and phone screens.
Discussion Questions:
- Where do you watch videos more often? On a phone, computer, or television?
- What’s your favorite TV channel?
- Do you have a favorite TV show these days? Do you see every episode?
- How many hours of television do you watch each week? Is it too much?
- In your house, who watches the most television? What kind of shows do they watch?
- Watching a show or movie with friends or family can be fun. What have you enjoyed watching with other people?
- In your home, do people fight over the remote control? Do you like to have control of the television?

- Big televisions are not as expensive as they used to be. How big do you want a TV to be? How big is too big?
- Full HD, 4K, 8K - what’s next? Do you have to have the latest television technology?
- TV channels sometimes have many advertisements. How do you feel about ads? Do you usually watch them or change the channel?
- Have you ever been on TV? If not, do you know anyone that has?
- What’s your favorite website for watching videos?
- Do you prefer to watch short or long videos online? What kinds of videos do you usually watch?
- When you like a video online, do you feel like you should share it? Who do you want to share it with?
- Have you seen any viral videos lately? What kinds of videos have been going around?
- Have you ever uploaded a video to a public website? What was in the video? How many views did it get?
- Do you have any favorite YouTubers? What kind of content do they make?
- Have you thought about making a YouTube channel? What would be the subject or purpose of your content?
- Have you ever streamed yourself online? What were you doing?
- Have you got stuck watching videos and found it difficult to sleep? What’s wrong with this kind of habit?
- There are so many cameras in the world these days that a lot of things get caught on video. When is this good?