Would You Rather Questions
Answer the following difficult questions. Use I would rather or I'd rather and continue to use would or could to explain the imagined (unreal) situation.
Discussion Questions:
- Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?
- Would you rather have no one come to your wedding or have no one come to your funeral?
- Would you prefer to take a vacation in a historic European city or on a relaxing Caribbean beach?
- Would you prefer to get rich in a way that disappoints your family or just make enough money to live?
- Would you rather have hiccups for a whole day or feel like you have to sneeze but can't for a whole day?
- Would you rather have no internet or no cell phone?
- Would you prefer to go back in time to meet your ancestors or go into the future to meet your great-grandchildren?

- Would you rather find true love or $10 000 000?
- Would you rather get a face tattoo or get a lip piercing?
- Would you prefer to be homeless or in prison?
- Would you rather your friend falls in love with you or your boss falls in love with you?
- Would you prefer to work Monday to Friday, 10 hours a day or Monday to Sunday, 4 hours a day?
- Would you rather have 10 successful plastic surgery changes to your face or one unsuccessful plastic surgery change to your face?
- Would you prefer to have a miniature Chihuahua or a hippopotamus for a pet?
- Would you rather be able to talk with all animals or be able to speak all foreign languages?
- Would you rather have the wisdom of a 50-year-old at age 25 or the body of a 25-year-old at age 50?
- Would you prefer to eliminate terrorism or eliminate all car accidents?
- Would you rather be half your height or be double your weight?
- Would you rather have a rewind button in your life or a pause button in your life?
- Would you prefer to have more time or have more money?
- Would you prefer to know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
- Would you prefer to be famous or be the best friend of someone famous?
- Would you rather be stuck with a 1980s hairstyle forever or have nothing but 1980s clothes?