Age Conversation Questions
Warm-up Question:
How did you celebrate your last birthday?
Discussion Questions:
- Who is the oldest person you know? What do you know about their life?
- What does a person's age tell us? What do we know about a sixty-year-old that's different from a thirty-year-old?
- Is a person's age important in your culture? How is it important?
- Are you friends with anyone who is much older or younger than you? Does an age difference make it difficult to be friends?
- What is your earliest memory? How old were you? Why do you remember that moment?
- In your opinion, what is the best age to be? What is good about that age?
- Growing up can be hard. Is there an age you didn't enjoy?

- Our tastes in many areas change as we get older. What did you like before that you don't like now? What did you dislike before but now enjoy?
- Do you respect the elderly? How do you show your respect?
- Are young people less polite than they used to be? If so, why is this?
- Do you ever give advice to people who are younger than you? What advice could you give to a teenager?
- Have you met any grumpy old men or women? What makes them seem unhappy?
- When is it okay to ask someone their age? Do you mind telling people your age?
- What is the best age for a person to settle down and get married? Why?
- Would you date someone much older or younger than you? What's the maximum age difference you would accept?
- Age-related diseases such as Alzheimer's make life difficult for some elderly people and their family members. Do you have any experience with this in your family?
- What happens to senior citizens in your culture? Are retirement homes common? Or do older generations continue to live with their children? Which is better?
- Some people try to hold on to their youth with exercise, surgery, or medication. How do you feel about getting older?
- What age do you hope to reach? Is there such a thing as an ideal age to die?
- Oscar Wilde said, "I am not young enough to know everything." What do you think he meant?