Drinking Conversation Questions
Warm-up Question:
How often do you drink alcohol?
Discussion Questions:
- How old were you when you first tried alcohol? Who were you with?
- What is the legal minimum age for buying alcohol in your country? Do you think it is too high or too low?
- Is there social pressure to drink in your culture? How do you feel about this pressure?
- How do you like to celebrate good news? Is drinking a good way to celebrate?
- What kind of alcohol do you prefer to drink?
- Why do some people drink too much?
- Have you ever blacked out? What happened?
- Does alcohol help people to get to know each other? How?
- Can alcohol make people brave? Have you ever used alcohol to help you overcome fear?
- How can you avoid a hangover? What's the best cure for a hangover?
- If people do bad things while drinking, should we blame the alcohol or the person?
- Do you know someone who gets happy, angry, or sad when they drink? How do you react to alcohol?

- What is the strangest alcoholic drink or craziest cocktail you have had or heard about?
- What do you like to do while you drink? Dance, sing, eat, talk, or something else?
- Have you played any drinking games? Explain how to play a drinking game that you know.
- Could you date someone who drinks often? Could you date someone who never drinks?
- How much alcohol can a person drink and still be okay to drive? What is a suitable punishment for someone who drinks and drives?
- Do you respect people who can drink a lot? Why or why not?
- Some famous artists have used alcohol while working. Do you think drugs or alcohol might help creativity?