Pattern: Subjunctive Suggest and Recommend Conversation Questions
Use the following pattern with the verbs suggest and recommend to respond to the questions, and then continue your conversation naturally:
I + suggest/recommend + (that) + you/he/she/it/we/they + [bare infinitive]
e.g. I suggest he read the newspaper.
Discussion Questions:
- My brother is choosing his major at university. What should he study?
- Susan wants to open a cafe. Where should it be located?
- Let’s go out for a drink. Do you know a place nearby?
- I want to get a computer. Do you have any recommendations?
- My parents want to go somewhere in Europe. Where do you think they should go?
- My grandmother wants to know where she can get accurate news online. Do you have any ideas?
- There are lots of mosquitos in our house these days. They’re so annoying.

- We bought a boat. What should it be called?
- A local company wants to expand into a foreign market. Can you think of a business-friendly country?
- Antonio wants to buy some new clothes. Where should he go shopping?
- I work late and I find it hard to get to sleep. Got any ideas?
- My friend asked me for a bingeable TV show. What can I tell her?
- How about we bake something with the new oven? What should we bake?
- A couple that I know is going to the United States. Can you suggest any cities or sights they should visit?
- Gilberto wants to live a very long time. How can he do that?
- What’s a good way that I can save money?