Colors Conversation Questions
Warm-up Tasks:
a) Take turns naming a color until someone cannot name a color within five
b) As a group, name all the colors visible in the room or out the window.
Discussion Questions:
- What is your favorite color?
- What colors do you dislike?
- Do colors affect your mood? Give an example if you can?
- Do you think about color when you buy clothes? Are your clothes various colors, or do you have a lot of one color?
- Are you good at matching colors? Which colors go well together?
- What things cause people to go red in the face?
- How important is color coordination to you? Do you have matching clothes, shoes, and other things?
- Have you ever dyed your hair a different color? Why did you change it? What color did you go?
- What colors are the uniforms of your favorite sports team? Do you like the uniforms?
- Does anything make you see red? What kind of behavior makes you really angry?
- What is the best color for a fast sports car?
- How do you describe the color of your skin? Do you do anything to make your skin lighter or darker?
- Which country has the best combination of national colors?

- Do you care about the colors of your food? What colors don't you like to eat?
- We can see many colors in the natural environment. Which are the most spectacular?
- What makes you feel blue?
- Some people think pink is a feminine color. Is it okay for men to wear pink?
- Do you enjoy black and white movies? Why or why not?
- What does seeing a rainbow mean to you?